
Tic Tac Toe 2023

I still remembered during a job interview, I was tasked with creating a Tic Tac Toe game using HTML, CSS, and Javascript within a tight 30-minute window, without having the luxury of internet references. Having to worked with React and NodeJs in past projects, I quickly found out myself somewhat oustide of my comfort zone working with the plain HTML and CSS.

The challenged heightened as I struggle with implementing the winning logic, resulting in panic. In an attempt to keep myself calm, I decided to focus on the user interface, starting with the layout first. However, even the seemingly simple task of linking the style.css file to the HTML posed a deadly challenge to me as I relied a lot on the usual TailwindCSS framework.


Despite my efforts, the end result fell short of expectations. I started reflecting on this experiece, I questioned how, as a web developer, I stumbled on such a seemingly simple task. This reflection soon became the motivation behind this small project.

To add a fresh perspective to my learning journey, I decide to try on a framework I had not worked with before, which is the Svelte Framework

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