
Tweet Lite 2023

"Unlock your thoughts and express yourself with Tweet Lite!"

Discover the power of Tweet Lite, a sleek and efficient Next.js application inspired by Twitter. It's designed for easy and fun sharing, it's like Twitter, but with a Twist. Everything is simplified, making it a breeze to post your thoughts, updates, and ideas. No clutter, no distractions - just you and your words.

  • 📢 Latest AnnouncementNot being maintained anymore.
  • Website
  • LanguageTypeScript
  • T3 StackClerk Auth, Node.js, Next.js, Prisma, React.js, TailwindCSS, tRPC, Vercel, Google Cloud SQL...

Powered by Next.js and the reliable T3 stack, Tweet Lite ensures a smooth experience. Join Tweet Lite today and start with your first post.


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